Click APPRAISAL DATA to get the data resulting from analysis of the Nynehead Appraisal Questionnaire in PDF format.

Arising out of consideration of the Appraisal Data a detailed PARISH PLAN has been agreed by the Parish Council that, as far as is possible, meets the requirements expressed in the Appraisal Data while remaining feasible.

It seems to have taken forever but a lot of time and effort was involved in analysing the vast amount of information resulting from the completed questionnaires.

Thanks are due to the NAG team - the main players (in alphabetical order!) being; Mike Briginshaw, Guy Burt, Robin Darby, Jenny & Denis Dodd, Mike Hartnell, Lu Hawkins, Alan & Ann Howe, Alan & Judith Ketley, Mark Reynolds, Janet & Chris Watson. Without their involvement the project wouldn't have even got under way.

Considerable help and guidance has come from both David & Louisa Raybould. David with the analysis and Louisa who, having reviewed the details, prepared a PowerPoint slide presentation of the most important aspects.

There have been many others who have helped with all sorts of things - question designs & proof reading being only two examples. Thanks to all of them.