Among the estates owing services in Taunton was NICHEHEDE (Fo. 87b, Exon 174), but there is no other clear reference to Nynehead in Domesday Book. Towards the end of the Taunton entry are particulars of three estates that had belonged to Taunton in the time of King Edward; 1 hide held by Robert of Mortain, 1 hide held by Alfred and 2 hides and ½ virgate held by John. The Exeter D.B. gives details of these estates (Exon 175, 517) from which it is clear that the hide held by Robert of Mortain was his manor of HELE (Fo. 92b, Exon 273, 516b, HELA). Alfred's hide may have become one of the detached parts of his manor of Hillfarrance. The estates held by John the Usher were later known as the honour of Wigborough. In the Hundred Rolls (p. 215) it is stated that William Everard held "Nygge-hyd Monachor" of the Prior of Montacute, which was of the fee of Wyggeberwe, which was held of the king by sergeantry. John's estate was, therefore, Nynehead Monachorum or East Nynehead.
[Somerset Archeol. Soc vol. 108 p. 95]